Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cash for grades?

Some DC public schools are paying middle school kids up to $100 every 2 weeks if they get good grades and good attendance. I think it's pretty cool.

What do you guys think? Money well spent?


georgeconfused said...

I think we got hosed.

Next thing they'll be paying kids just to show up and to tie their shoes.

If I had to get good grades for the simple pleasure of it, so should kids today, or simply be idiots. The world needs McDonald's cashiers.

Patrick said...

Isn't yearly salary a long-term version of the cash for grades program?

Megan Jean said...

Honestly, I agree with George (he's doing pretty well this week). What the hell happened to parents and teachers being able to get the kids to do what they're supposed to?
I guess it's not surprising, since even adults nowadays won't do the bare minimum as far as responsibility anymore. Like getting their kids to go to school.

Steve said...

I agree with George and Megan, except that George got good grades because of the desk next to him. We know he's not that smart. :-)

Steve said...

And based on Megan's comments, this is why I keep waiting for monster to post my dream job. Lifeguard in the gene pool....

Gluckzilla said...

I like the plan. It finally embraces a sucky reality, instead of trying to pretend that if we can just get parents to hug their kids a little more, they'll be okay. It's a great thought, but too bad no matter what they tried it didn't happen.

Why keep trying and failing at something that you know won't work? At least this is attempting to address the individual student instead.

georgeconfused said...

Adam, I guess it's more looking at the sad state of things and saying, come on, there's no way it can be that bad. Did things go so far down hill in only 15, 20 years? Then again, most of us reading this blog were probably the kids who got good grades anyway. At any rate, I certainly don't want my tax dollars paying off some kid just so he'll learn his phoenics. I want my tax dollars used for his alcohol/drug rehab or government-funded pyschotherapist.

Zig-E said...

I say my tax dollars should stop going to the welfare recipients and be transfered to this program. This way they learn how to pull their own weight @ an early age!

I know it's like throwing away a whole generation, two, or three, but hey sometimes you have to crumple up that piece of paper (or two, or three), throw it in the trash, and start new!
