Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Finally we can answer this question




Stine said...
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Stine said...


Patrick said...

23? I suck. Must be because I am so very geeky as shown in previous surveys

georgeconfused said...

Hold on, I could take on 25, but a government trained killing machine can only take on 23. Pat you have combat training and...I'm sure you have other skills as well. I demand a recount.

georgeconfused said...

Oh, and then I changed my build to average instead of over and I could take on 27. Note to self, before taking on 27 5-year-olds, train with Apollo Creed.

Patrick said...

I changed to fighting dirty and it improved me to 26. A couple eye gouges here and there and I am back in business!

Gluckzilla said...

I can't even break 20. My ability to bruise like an overripe peach coupled with my unwillingness to beat on kids means I can only take on 18.

I'll just have to figure out a way to control them instead.

Whitey said...

21 for me.

Megan Jean said...

17. Clearly Gluck and I need to team up.

Albers said...

16. Maybe the question should be how many of me could a 5 year old take in a fight.