Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Even Less Appetizing

"‘The Moment of Truth’ Finally Delivers on Its Promise to Ruin Marriages

The contestant, Lauren, decided to answer every question, even after her mom asked her to stop. Even after her sister pressed the button to make her stop. Even after the host told her to stop.

Bless her cold heart, Lauren kept right on going. Does she steal from work? Yes. Was she in love with someone else on her wedding day? Yes. Has she ever cheated on her husband? You better believe it! At this point, she'd accrued $100,000."

I think I remember some people saying, when the ads for this came out, that they would just answer everything, no matter how bad, truthfully, and the consequences be damned. How's that working out for you now?

1 comment:

Zig-E said...

Wow, it's like The Jerry Springer Show... but instead of punching and chair throwing... you got money... it's ashame she didn't win the big money... her soon to be ex husband could've taken it all!!!