Friday, January 18, 2008


Grrr, I'm really becoming amazed at how people do not know how to use the English language. For awhile now (and it also occurred today), people have been asking me "I have to know, how tall are you?". It just blows my mind, you don't have to know, you want to know, there is a difference. So I think the next person who asks me that specific question, I'm going to respond with "is it a matter of life and death?" or "Do terrorists have your children, and they want an answer on a height survey on the city of Baltimore or your children will die?" or at least something like that. I thought other people might have some other suggestions as well. Sorry, end of rant.


georgeconfused said...

2 notes

1. On a grammar note, I think you meant "For a while," not "For awhile." That is the end of my grammar lesson.

2. Maybe something more simple like, "Do you have to know, or do you just want to know?" And if they say, "No, I have to know," then launch into your rant. That way, at least there's a chance they'll understand why this tall man of unknown origin looks like he is about to separate their skull from their neck.

Gluckzilla said...

Come on guys, let's help Steve out. He's obviously tired of getting asked about how tall he is, and you're all pretty funny. What are some good replies he can use?

Dennis said...

Now here is something you have to know:

Mount Chimborazo, in the Andes, is a 20,000-plus-foot peak sitting on top of a bulge on the Earth. Mount Everest is a 29,000-plus-foot peak sitting lower down on that same bulge. Because Chimborazo is a bump on a bigger part of the bulge, it is higher.

According to Senne, Chimborazo is 1.5 miles higher than Everest! Or, if you will, 1.5 miles closer to outer space.

If you define "highest" as highest from sea level, Mount Everest is still champion.

But if you want to stand on the place on Earth that is closest to the moon, that would be Mount Chimborazo!

Cutis said...

A t-shirt with "Don't Ask" on the front and "It's Not Worth It" on the back with a picture of a bomb would be the appropriate answer I think.

Then, in very fine print underneath that you could put "Okay, I'm 7'2". Now go away. Now."

Patrick said...

Say "7.07915216 × 10 to the -17th Parsecs" Then, "Yes, I AM a Star Trek fan, why do you ask?"

Zig-E said...

5 more:

5. No hablo espaƱol!
4. No you don't!
3. Buy me a beer and I'll tell you (after you get your beer say, "I changed my mind.")
2. Taller than you!
1. First, I have to know why you're such a douche!