Sunday, February 22, 2009

Greatest. Concert. Ever.

Several of us went to the Jonathan Coulton w/ Paul and Storm show last night. I've made posts about JoCo in the past but none about Paul and Storm per se. Both JoCo and Paul & Storm are alumni of Song Fu and both put on one of the best shows I have been to in a long time. Go see one or both of them next time they come through if you enjoy music that is both fun, funny, and performed by guys in jeans and Homestar Runner t-shirts that sound as good live as on CD.

Enthusiastic Arrr!

As promised to those at the concert, a link to songs for the Song Fu challenge done in the style of their opponent.

JoCo (in the style of Paul & Storm) - Big Dick Farts a Polka
Paul and Storm (in the style of JoCo) - Live

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