It's a link to an article about the San Diego Geek Pride Fest, but this is easily the hardest Geek Test I've ever taken. I was actually ashamed I didn't do better, so I went up and looked up every answer I didn't know. I got 16 out of 42. Here's the link:
Feel free to post your scores. Here's the link to the answers:
I actually found out 2 that I thought I had right were wrong (but I supposed could be debated), and one I knew, but finding the answers on my own, I thought I got wrong. Enjoy. Please post your scores and any answers you disagree with.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
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Giving myself half-credit for things where I knew only part of the answer, or didn't know but guessed right:
Full credit: Comics 3, 6; TV 3; Anime 6, 7; Computer 3, 4, 5; Film 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Gaming 1, 2, 5, 6; General 1, 4, 5; subtotal = 21 points.
Half credit: Comics 7; TV 2, 4, 6, 7; Computers 1, 6; Film 2; Gaming 3; Cumulative total = 25.5 points.
Comics 7: I think they are wrong about who Earth's current GL is. Wikipedia appears to back me up on this. Still giving myself only half credit because I got the first GL's last name wrong. Also, based on the Wikipedia article, they might be wrong about the total number of GLs as well. Depending on whether you count the last one listed. I didn't know about that one and came up with the same number the authors did.
TV 7: I knew the episode but would never have remembered any of the names they made up for it; my hat's off to anyone who did.
Anime 2: Should be embarrassed that I didn't know this.
Fun fact: back in the halcyon days of the internet, when I was an emo teenager (before emo was cool, man), and forwarding quizzes like this to every e-mail address you knew was not yet a major faux pas, I wrote a "Loser Quiz" (containing over 100 questions), with the idea that it would prove what a loser I myself was. I then took it and failed. One could argue that this made me even more of a loser than if I had passed the test like I was supposed to.
As far as I knew Wikipedia had the right modern Green Lantern. I believe he is the Green Lantern who defeats Parallax (formerly Hal Jordan), but I might have also read that on Wikipedia a while ago.
TV 7: I knew that one without even thinking about it. They only say it like 50 times throughout the episode. But I was off by one on the number of lights. I am both proud and disturbed.
So where's the loser quiz now?
As it happens, I was in a comic shop yesterday evening, and I picked up the latest issue of Green Lantern to see if I was right. I am. Hal Jordan, who was Parallax, and then was dead, and then was The Spectre, is once again Earth's current Green Lantern. Kyle Rayner is off protecting some other planet, except not anymore because he just got his powers stripped away without much of a fight.
I think the Loser Quiz is lost to us, unless AOL somehow still has copies of my sent mail even though my account was cancelled more than a decade ago. I wouldn't necessarily put it past them.
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