Penn State police are looking out for Joe Paterno's Coke bottle-thick glasses -- the bronzed ones that were perched on the statue of the iconic football coach that stands outside Beaver Stadium.
Vandals apparently cut the glasses off just above the base of the ears of the 7-foot sculpture between 11 a.m. Friday and 11 a.m. Saturday, when a police officer noticed the damage.
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Why make a statue 7 feet tall? I mean, isn't he like 6 feet tall? Why not make it life-size?
How big a statue would Steve get if he does something mind-blowingly amazing?
Young Player: Joe Paterno is seven feet tall!
Joe Paterno: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the Wolverines with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.
Hee hee. Nice.
Joe Paterno is not 7 feet tall. He's actually in that picture, but he's standing behind the statue and is so small you can only see him by the slight reflection off his glasses.
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