Saturday, October 18, 2008

Obama and McCain 'roasts'

So there's obviously a lot of political coverage going on now, and we're hearing a lot of the same things from the candidates, whether it be stump speeches or 90-second monologues during the debates. So I was glad to see Obama and McCain roasting each other (and the election in general) at an exclusive charity dinner in New York. They're both pretty funny in these (unsurprisingly, MSNBC showed the full Obama clip, while FOX News showed the full McCain clip):

Oh, and here's Hayden Panettiere - the cheerleader from Heroes - dropping f-bombs. Don't worry, it's about politics, so it's allowed here (the entire first part is really a ruse just so I can post this)

See more Hayden Panettiere videos at Funny or Die


georgeconfused said...

Since the first Paris Hilton spoof, I haven't found any of the Funny or Die spots funny. So, do I die now?

Cutis said...

Nope, it wasn't funny at all, but enjoy it, I did.