Sunday, March 30, 2008

This Got Over 3 Million Hits On Youtube

Okay, this one came up while reminiscing about electronica of the late 90s, like Daft Punk and Eifel 65. But I forgot just how many Jock Jams were considered eletronica.

Now maybe they were trying to update the Boehemiam Rhapsody scene in Wayne's World with really shitty music. So I can understand they may have had an artistic vision, which gives them a reason for attempting to record this. But then after looking at themselves, something in their headz said, this is great, we want the whole world to be able to see how hard we rock out to the Venga Boys. If I ever come to that conclusion in my life, somebody remove that part of my brain and replace it with Peeps.


Stine said...
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Megan Jean said...

That was so awful I couldn't get past the first 45 seconds. Ouch.